Are you struggling in getting blogging name ideas for your new blog? you need to have a good and easy-to-spell blog name for readers to be able to find your blog.

Choosing a good and easy-to-spell blog name can be somehow difficult especially if you are a beginner.

For that, we have compiled the 5 best ways to get blogging name ideas.

Let’s get started.

What Makes A Good Blog Name?

A good blog name should be simple to pronounce and simple to spell by users, and it should be related to your business, it should also represent your niche, and be attractive to your target audience.

Here are some tips to help you identify a good blog name:

  1. Informative: A good blog name should be informative or descriptive and adequately represent your blog’s topic or niche so that your audience and readers can know what content to expect from your blog.
  2. Brief And Simple: A good blog name should be brief and simple because a brief and simple name makes it easy to remember and spell, making your audience and readers quickly find your blog.
  3. Unique: A good blog name should be unique and memorable so people can easily find and remember your blog.
  4. Memorable: A good blog name should be easily memorable and recognized so your audience and readers can quickly interact with your blog.

How To Come Up With Good A Blog Name

Here are some of the tips to help you come up with a good blog name:

  1. Use Your Niche: To come up with a good blog name start with using your niche by considering the area of your blog niche and then try to come up with a good name that represents it. For example, if your blog is about the health and fitness niche, you can consider names that contain words like “gym“, “running“, energy“, and so on.
  2. Use A Synonym: To come up with a good blog name look for words that are relevant to your blog’s niche and see if there are any synonymous terms in it or look for relevant words that you can use in your blog name.
  3. Use Your Own Name: To come up with a good blog name consider using your own name or a nickname as your blog name, as this can help you establish a brand for yourself and make your blog more relevant to your readers and audience.
  4. Use Combination Words: To come up with a good blog name, consider combining two words together or use phrases or rhymes, as this can help you create a unique and memorable name for your blog.

5 Best Ways To Get Blogging Name Ideas

1. Use Focus Keyword

One of the best ways to get blogging name ideas is by using focus keywords in the name of your blog.

Think about the main topic or niche of your blog and include relevant keywords in your blog name. This will make it easier for people who are looking for information on that topic to find your blog.

For example, if your blog’s main topic or niche is about “cooking“, you can use a focus keywords like “” or “” where you have the exact word “cooking” or “cook“.

I hope you got my point.

However, it’s also important to use keywords in a natural way. Don’t use too many Keywords in your blog name because you are trying to boost your search engine rankings.

This can harm your search engine rankings and make your blog name appear less attractive to readers.

You can use online tools like KWFinder, SEMrush, Keyword Planner, and more to find popular keywords related to your blog topic or niche.

2. Use Your Own Name

Another best way to get blogging name ideas is by using your own name as the name of your blog.

Many bloggers use their own name as the name of their blog. As it makes it easier for readers to find your blog and remember it.

For example, if your name is “Mark James,” you can use a blog name like “” It will be easier for people to remember and find it.

If you are starting a personal blog, using your own name as the blog name is a great choice.

However, it is important to note that if your name is popular or common, obtaining an exact match blog name may be difficult or impossible.

In that case, you might have to get creative with variations or add words like “blog” or “personal” to make it stand out.

That’s to say if your blog name is “Mark James” instead of using “” you should use ““.

I hope you got my points.

3. Use Your Competitors Blog Name As Inspiration

The smartest and best way to get blogging name ideas is by using your competitor’s blog name as inspiration.

Looking at the blog names of your competitors can help you figure out what works and what doesn’t.

When looking at your competitors blog names, pay attention to the words and keywords they use. As this will help you more get understand more in real time.

You can also look at how their blog names are organized. Are they informative and to the point? Are they long and detailed? Or are they puns or clever wordplay?

However, it’s important to keep in mind that you should not copy your competitor’s blog names or content. Instead, use their blog names and strategies to inspire your own different approach.

Also Read: How To Check Your Competitors Website Traffic (Best Tools)

4. Use A Random Name

Using a random name for your blog is another way to get blogging name ideas as it’s a unique and creative way to stand out in a crowded online space.

A random name can be anything unrelated to your niche or it can be a non-common word or phrase with an abstract meaning.

It could also be a made-up word or phrase that is memorable and catchy in order to attract attention.

One of the main advantages of using a random name for your blog is that it will be more recognizable and attention-grabbing than those common names.

A random name can also help you in differentiate your blog from other blogs in your niche.

However, keep in mind that a random name can be more difficult for people to remember or find it. It also requires more effort in attracting readers to your blog.

When using a random name for your blog, you should also check the domain name availability and ensure that it’s available by the domain registrar and on social media handles.

5. Use A Blog Name Generator

Last but not least in our list to get blogging name ideas is by using a blog name generator tool.

A blog name generator is a tool that helps you come up with blog name ideas. These tools are available online and are usually free to use.

These tools work by using algorithms to create unique and catchy blog names by combining words, phrases, or letter combinations.

Using a blog name generator tool can be the fastest and simplest way to get blogging name ideas.

As some blog name generators tool allows you to enter keywords related to the niche of your blog, which can help to get more targeted and relevant name suggestions.

However, it’s important to remember that a blog name generator tool may not always generate the best name ideal for your blog.

Some suggestions may be out of place or uninspired. When making a final decision, it is important to carefully review the suggestions and use your own decision.

You can use online tools like Nameboy, and Domainwheel to generate blogging name ideas for your blog.

Or you can use our free domain checker tool to check if your chosen blog name is available for purchase by the domain registrar.


We hope this article helps you in getting blogging name ideas for your blog.

If you are now ready to start your blog after choosing a blog name and looking for a cheap domain registrar we recommend you try Namecheap.

And If you need help in starting your blog, read our step-by-step guide on how to start a blog for beginners.

If your blog is set up or created then you can look for ways to make money from it. For that read more on how to make money blogging.

You can also find and chat with us on Facebook and Instagram.


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